Add Actions

To add an action… create an Intent by declaring:

Intent (leave fields empty for an implicit intent)
Action An action string. e.g. android.intent.action.ACTION_VIEW
Class A fully qualified class name (case-sensitive). This must be a complete definition that includes both the package and class name.
The class is required for explicit intents - leave it blank to allow the system to decide which class to launch.
Data A URI that contains or points to attached data. e.g. geo:30,31. Limited %substitutions are supported. e.g. geo:%lat,%lon
Mime The mime type of attached data (if applicable). Leave blank for most types of data.
Extras An & delimited string containing key-value pairs. Values may be Strings, int, long, double, float, or boolean. Limited %substitutions are supported.
e.g. key1="some string" & key2=1 & key3=1L & key4=1D & key5=1F & key6=true & key7=%dm

An app that displays package info is useful for discovering Activities, which can then be launched with an explicit intent.