Get Suntimes

Install with F-Droid

Suntimes is available from F-Droid, an installable catalog of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform.

Get it on F-Droid

In addition to being included in the official F-Droid repository, Suntimes related apps can also be installed from:

These repositories can be added to your F-Droid client as an alternate download source.
Note: these additional repos are the same and differ only in their hosting.

Pay as you feel

Suntimes is available gratis, but if it has proven its value, please pay as you feel.

Software development and maintenance requires the use of real world resources, and cannot be sustained without them. Your willingness to assign it real world value is greatly appreciated.

How will money be spent?

All money received from these channels is saved and periodically spent on items necessary for development. It will be used to replace aging devices and other necessary hardware.

As an example, my current budget Android phone was purchased using these funds ($100).

How much has been collected?

Unfortunately less than you might think, and much less than hoped for.

The current project income isn’t enough to pay for essentials like time or expertise; these resources are all volunteered, but replacing development hardware is a realistic goal. The project has been soliciting donations for ~7 years, and now has enough to purchase a low end Pixel device.


Suntimes source code is available under GPLv3.

Copyright © 2014-2024 Forrest Guice

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.