Widget Themes

Suntimes can customize the appearance of widgets using widget themes.


Dark theme Dark theme Light theme Light theme Translucent theme Translucent theme Transparent theme Transparent theme

Manage Themes

To access the theme list Suntimes -> Settings -> Widgets -> Themes

Add, Edit, Copy, Remove

To add, edit, copy, or remove themes, navigate to the theme list.

To add a theme, tap add.

To copy a theme, select it, then tap copy to create a new theme with the same values.

To edit a theme, select it, then tap edit.

To remove a theme, select it, then tap delete.


The default themes cannot be modified; the edit and remove actions will not be shown.

Share, Export, Import

From the theme list, select a theme, then tap to share the theme as a file.

Use : -> Export to export all themes to file.

Use : -> Import to import previously shared or exported themes.

Edit Themes