Alarm List

Manage Alarms Manage Alarms

Alarm List

The alarm list can be shown from Suntimes -> Set Alarm, or by tapping Suntimes Alarms from the app launcher.


Suntimes -> Settings -> Alarms -> Launcher Icon to enable the Suntimes Alarms icon in the app launcher.

Select, Deselect

Tap an item in the list to select it. Selected items display the alarm note and additional controls.

Tap on the lower left of the screen, or press back to clear the selection.

Deselect Button Deselect Button

Add Alarm

Tap to set an alarm. The alarm event dialog will be shown.

Add Alarm Button Add Alarm Button

Edit Alarm

Tap an item in the list to select it. Tap the item again to edit the alarm.

Edit Alarm Edit Alarm

Delete, Clear

Tap an item in the list to select it, then tap the button to remove the alarm.

Use : -> Clear to remove all alarms.

Delete Alarm Delete Alarm

Snooze, Dismiss

Tap an item in the list to select it. Sounding alarms will display additional buttons.

Tap snooze or dismiss, or tap the item again to display the fullscreen notification.

Dismiss Alarm Dismiss Alarm

Sort Alarms

Use : -> Sort to sort the alarm list by

  • Alarm Time
  • Creation Date

Use Enabled first to move enabled items to the top of the list.

Use Show Offsets to show before/after offsets separately from the alarm time.

Export, Import

Use : -> Export to export the alarm list to file.

Use : -> Import to import alarms from a previous export.


It is also possible to export or import alarms by creating or restoring a backup.