Manage Places

Places List

Suntimes -> Settings -> Places -> Manage Places to open the places list.

The places list can also be reached by tapping when selecting a place.

Places List (menu) Places List (menu)

Add World Places

Suntimes includes coordinates for over 200 cities located around the globe.

Use : -> Add World Places to add world places to the list.

Tap to search the list of places.

Add Place

To add a place, tap to show the add place dialog.

Add Place Add Place

Tap to query the device’s current location, or manually input coordinates.

Finally, tap to save the place.


Getting the current location requires location permissions. When prompted, grant permissions and enable device location to use this feature.

Copy, Edit, Remove

To copy a place, select it, then tap : -> Copy.

To remove a place, select it, then tap : -> Delete.

Select Place Select Place Select Place Select Place

To edit a place, select it, then tap edit. Modify the label or coordinates, then tap to save changes.

Edit Place Edit Place

Share Place

To share a place, select it, then tap share.

Place coordinates can be displayed on a map, or by other applications that support location sharing.


The currently configured place can be shared from the main screen using the map button.

Import, Export

Use : -> Export to export the list of places to file.

Use : -> Import to import a previously exported list.


It is also possible to export or import places by creating or restoring a backup.

Clear Places

Use : -> Clear to clear the list of places.


Changes made to the place list will not affect existing configurations. It is safe to clear the list at any time. Places will be automatically added to the list when (re)configuring widgets or alarms.