Edit Alarm

Edit Alarm Edit Alarm

Tap to cancel without making changes.

Tap to save, or to save and enable.

Tap to save and disable.

Tap to cancel and delete.


Alarm Label Alarm Label

Tap to change the alarm type:

  • Alarm
  • Notification
  • Quick Notification

Quick Notifications are automatically dismissed after 30s. Suntimes -> Settings -> Alarms -> Auto-dismiss after to change this setting.


Alarm Label Alarm Label

Tap Label to change the alarm label.


Alarm Note Alarm Note

Tap to change the alarm note.


The note is displayed with the label, and supports limited %substitutions.

Event (or time)

Tap to change the alarm’s event or time.

Event Event


Suntimes supports daily repeating alarms, and will automatically reschedule alarms as event times change throughout the year.

Tap to change repeat options.

Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat

Offset (before/after)

Suntimes can schedule alarms before or after an event or specified time.

Tap at to change the offset options.

Offset Offset


Tap the alarm time preview to see the combined event + offset alarm time.


Suntimes can schedule alarms for events occurring in different locations.

Tap to change the location.

Offset Offset


Suntimes can show a reminder several hours before an alarm triggers, and perform an additional action at that time.

Tap to toggle the reminder.

Reminder Reminder


The reminder notification allows alarms to be dismissed early. Dismissing a repeating alarm will automatically reschedule it for the next day.


Suntimes can play a ringtone or audio file when an alarm sounds.

Tap to change the alert sound, or select No Sound for a silent alarm.

On Alert On Alert


Enable Suntimes -> Settings -> Alarms -> Show all ringtones to allow selection of all system sounds regardless of their intended use.


Suntimes can cause the device to vibrate when an alarm triggers.

Tap to enable vibration.

On Alert Action

Suntimes can perform an action when an alarm triggers.

Tap On Alert to change the alert action.

On Alert On Alert

On Dismiss Action

Suntimes can perform an action when dismissing an alarm.

Tap On Dismiss to change the dismiss action.

On Dismiss On Dismiss

On Dismiss Challenge

Suntimes can require passing a challenge before dismissing a sounding alarm.

Tap On Dismiss to change the dismiss challenge.

  • None
  • Easy Math (single digit math problems)

Add-ons can provide additional challenges; e.g. Suntimes NFC can be used to dismiss alarms using NFC tags.